Bloomberg Radio, the financial news network, has expanded from its home base in New York for the first time, broadcasting on an AM frequency out of Boston since March.
According to a report by Boston Globe staffer Daniel Kline, Bloomberg celebrated their new endeavor this past week with a special 5 a.m.–5 p.m. broadcast out of South Station, along with promotional giveaways in the busy train and subway station. The special broadcast featured local Hub celebrities like Legal Sea Foods Chief Executive Roger Berkowitz and Cumberland Farms President Ari Haseotes.
While programming originates out of New York, all local New York content has been removed from the Boston broadcasts, replaced by national and local content, Kline reported.
Headed by Tom Moroney, the Bloomberg Boston bureau employs 26 journalists, two of whom have won Pulitzer Prizes, according to Kline’s article, which added that the Boston expansion will “serve as a template for future growth.”