In the wake of Harvey, the CBS Radio cluster in Houston says it has been running a four-station, commercial-free simulcast of long-form coverage on KILT(FM/AM), KHMX(FM) and KKHH(FM).
Sports station KIKK 650 “has been turned into a continuous loop of evacuation information, routes and shelters,” and has special temporary authority to run for 24 hours during the emergency period. Spanish station KLOL(FM) is airing a commercial-free simulcast of Telemundo.
Sarah Frazier is CBS Radio Houston SVP/market manager.
“Once the live simulcasts began running across the stations, the phone lines were inundated with questions and needs that CBS Radio Houston is helping to answer and connecting residents with immediate help,” the cluster said in an announcement.
It added this in a bold font: “KILT, KHMX and KKHH are the only FM stations in Houston broadcasting continuous live storm coverage.” (The KILT home page is shown.)
The statement also said that CBS Radio Houston employees, “many of whom can’t make it home,” are camped out in the offices or a nearby hotel. The staff stockpiled food and water. “Chief Engineer Robbie Green has been continuously onsite since Friday and any and all on-air hosts that were able to make it safely to the stations were pulled in to provide continuous live updates.”