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Consumer Feelings About Digital, Satellite Explored

Consumer Feelings About Digital, Satellite Explored

The NAB is calling attention to a recent survey about digital and satellite radio. The association’s TechCheck newsletter quotes a survey taken in March by eBrain Market Research, a service of CEA.
Among the findings quoted by NAB:

– 59% percent of respondents said they are somewhat or very interested in digital radio that could provide CD-quality sound with the capability to display information, while “only” 49% said they are somewhat or very interested in satellite radio that could provide CD-quality sound.

– Women show more of an interest in satellite radio then men (51% vs. 46%).

– Interest in satellite radio declines greatly with age; 18-34-year-olds show a much greater interest in satellite radio than those 55 and older (63% vs. 38%); the same holds true with digital radio (69% vs. 56%).

– “Of the available digital radio features suggested by the survey, the most popular is the capability to
display weather reports,” NAB summarized, “with 62% of consumers somewhat or very interested in this feature.” The least popular feature was the ability to receive stock market updates.

– 51% said they would not be willing to pay an extra fee for satellite radio, while only 10% said they would pay $15 a month or more. “Younger consumers are more willing to pay a subscription fee and at a higher monthly charge than older consumers.”
