According to information released by Commercial Radio Australia in the Digital Radio Industry Report 2012, digital radio sales are ahead of forecast.
Some 1.2 million people in the country are listening to digital radio in an average week and almost 800,000 digital radios have been sold in the top five cities Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide. The largest upsurge took place during the holiday season — between October of 2011 and January of 2012 — when consumers purchased 180,546 digital radios.
“Digital radio sales and listening have increased despite one of the worst retail climates for decades,” said Joan Warner, CRA chief executive. “The commercial radio industry has invested in the promotion of digital radio and worked very hard with retailers. We have put our money where our mouth is and used our medium to tell our listeners about digital radio. Once again, results highlight just how well radio works.”
For more on digital radio in Australia, go to Digital Radio Plus.