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FCC Dismisses Request for Emergency Vehicle Signaling Service Authorization

FCC Dismisses Request for Emergency Vehicle Signaling Service Authorization

One of three companies vying for licenses from the FCC for an Emergency Vehicle Signaling Service has asked the agency to dismiss its original proposal so it can re-design and re-test its device. With EVSS, car radios would alert motorists of an oncoming public safety vehicle.
Earlier in the year Alert Devices International Corp. had asked the FCC to suspend action on its system while it completed tests in Canada. Now, it’s told the FCC it needs to re-design its unit and its testing schedule has been set back. As testing locations in Canada are limited, ADI has told the FCC it’s unsure when it can resume testing and when it can make that data public.
That’t why ADI has now asked the commission to dismiss its original petition to have its device authorized. The agency has done so.
ADI plans to re-file its authorization request when the new testing is done. The other two companies developing an EVSS device are Safety Cast Corp. and AlertCast Communications LLC.
