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FCC Gives LPFM Applicants More Guidance

The help concerns FM translator input signal data

How would applicants for a low-power FM license know how to determine predicted LPFM interference to third-adjacent channel translator input signals?

We reported last week the FCC said it would provide such guidance and now the agency has.

The commission says its CDBS database may include conflicting and/or missing translator input data. The principal deficiency is missing delivery method data. This can occur for several different reasons, according to the commission. Some translator stations were authorized before this data was collected and translator input station and delivery method data are collected on several forms, including FCC Form 349, “Application for Authority to Construct or Make Changes in an FM Translator or FM Booster Station” and FCC Form 303-S, “Application for Renewal License for AM, FM, TV, Translator, or LPTV Station.”

The FCC requires LPFM license applicants to rely on this data in their calculations. Access input station and delivery method data from the CDBS Public Database Files website.
