The FCC has proposed a $10,000 fine for Adelante Media of California, licensee of KBAA(FM), Grass Valley, Calif., for having an incomplete public file.
In filing its renewal paperwork, the station acknowledged there were missing quarterly issues/program lists, specifically, the fourth quarter of 2010 through the fourth quarter of 2012.
The station said it was recreating the missing documents and the lists for the first and second quarter of 2013 were placed in the file on time.
In its decision, however, the Media Bureau said the station only admitted to the failing because it was compelled to, calling the violations “extensive.” Despite the finding, the bureau concluded the violations don’t fall into a pattern of abuse of the commission rules, so the bureau says it will approve the license renewal once the fine proceeding is done.
Where lapses occur in maintaining the public file, neither the negligent acts or omissions of station employees or agents, nor the subsequent remedial actions undertaken by the licensee, excuse or nullify a licensee’s rule violation, according to the agency.
KBAA has 30 days to appeal, or pay the fine.