The National Federation of Community Broadcasters, a nonprofit alliance of community stations, has received a grant for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting to provide services to nonprofit stations in predominantly African-American communities.
The grant is $300,000 for the one-year period that starts this month. The money is for local programming and licensee relations along with training, development, community engagement and community service grant assistance, according to a press release.
The announcement also noted that the funding will provide for the hiring of a full-time project manager and “effectively positions the NFCB as a central convener to organizations and stations primarily serving audiences of color.”
NFCB President and CEO Maxie C Jackson III stated, “NFCB is in a position to significantly impact the future of public media by contributing to the forward progress of media organizations most directly aligned with the growth opportunity for our industry — people of color.”
The NFCB also works with stations in Spanish-speaking communities and on Native American reservations.