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Orban to Address SBE Chapters

Connecticut, Des Moines, Knoxville and LA to hear form audio processor pioneer

Following on last year’s popular appearances, audio processing legend Bob Orban will once again teleconference with select SBE chapters over the next few months.

The plan is for Orban to make a 45-minute presentation at each meeting, discussing audio processing and loudness control, followed by a Q&A session with attendees.

Currently scheduled are: SBE Chapter 14, Connecticut Valley (4/25); SBE Chapter 109, Des Moines (5/29); SBE Chapter 113, Knoxville (6/6); and SBE Chapter 47, Los Angeles (7/10).

Any SBE chapter interested in participating can contact Mike Pappas at Orban Labs, 856-719-9900. Teleconferences are sponsored by Broadcast Supply Worldwide (BSW). 

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