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Inside the Feb. 19 Issue of Radio World

Read about trends in audio consoles; radio job layoffs; Christian broadcasters in Nashville; and reader ebook reactions

RW Feb. 19 2020 coverMichael LeClair reflects on trends in audio consoles; Fred Jacobs worries about unintended consequences of radio job layoffs; Christian broadcasters convene in Nashville seeking their 2020 vision; and readers react to our ebook “Radio Engineering in Crisis.”

Read it online here.

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Infrared? Don’t Just Point & Shoot

Engineers, here are useful tips to avoid getting false hot spot readings as you inspect your facilities.

Sports Reporting & Remote Gear

One of our jobs at RW is to help bring buyers and sellers together. Read from your colleagues about why they chose to buy particular products from companies like Comrex, Tieline, Henry and AEQ.
