Global Security Systems has acquired a license to participate in the ShakeAlert earthquake notification system through its Alert FM disaster warning system. Alert FM provides tornado, hurricane, fire and other possibly life-threatening emergency notifications across the United States.
The earthquake information is from the United States Geological Survey’s ShakeAlert earthquake detection and warning system.
[Read: Changes Coming in National Alerting]
Matthew Straeb, EVP/CTO of Global Security Systems, developer and operator of Alert FM, said, “As a long-time provider of emergency notifications for tornadoes, fires, hurricanes, evacuations, and tsunamis, adding early earthquake warning notifications is a tremendous benefit for increasing public safety in all of our communities.”
The ShakeAlert system is active on the West Coast and GSS is implementing AlertFM/ShakeAlert for customers in in California, Oregon and Washington state.
In addition in the following months, according to a release, “Alert FM will integrate automated actions to accompany earthquake early warnings for sirens, accessible devices such as bed-shakers and other consumer electronic devices. … GSS will also pursue partnerships with accessible, hospital, transportation and public utility systems.”
Straeb explained, “We will be seeking partners to integrate our low-cost FM technology to control emergency generators, door openers, production machinery, and other sensitive equipment in concert with alert messages. The benefits are nearly endless in earthquake situations.”