“We’ve partnered with ViaSat to offer reliable satellite internet along with our proven, prioritized LTE service,” said Josh Bohn, president/CEO of MaxxKonnect, which is now part of Triple Helix Technologies.
“The Ka band service includes unlimited bandwidth for a fixed price, public static IP and free installation.”
Paired with a MaxxKonnect Wireless LTE system, Bohn said, this service can provide a reliable connection for full-time STL systems, giving reliability that rivals wired services.
“We’ve been looking to add a satellite product to our lineup for some time,” Bohn said. “I’m excited that we finally have the opportunity to offer our customers truly redundant wireless connectivity — with a terrestrial LTE product, and space-based satellite product.”
He cited download speeds that average above 100 Mbps, with upload speeds ranging from 4–8 Mbps. Service will be available beginning in Q4 of this year and will be available from MaxxKonnect representatives and broadcast dealers.