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Planning a Studio Reopening? Recording Academy Has Some Tips

Document lays out a bunch of good ideas that have application in radio too

What considerations should you weigh before reopening your studios?

Helpful guidance comes in the form of a document from the Recording Academy Producers & Engineers Wing. While it targets recording and production studios, most of the advice has direct relevance to radio as well.

Just a sampling:

  • Evaluate rooms in the studio facility and make necessary adjustments to ensure social distancing.
  • Consider requiring individuals to wear cloth face coverings while inside the entire facility; in some parts of the country, face coverings may be required by law in outdoor areas as well.
  • Have work that cannot be performed with face coverings take place in an isolation room or an otherwise empty studio.
  • Consider limiting studio access to essential personnel or, at minimum, limit the number of visitors.
  • You may choose to require staff or others to have their temperature taken with an infrared thermometer upon entry to the facility.
  • Limit the number of people allowed to use elevators at once and consider requiring face coverings in elevators.
  • Consider disinfecting footwear, or providing booties.
  • Routinely clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces. Designate a staff person to be in charge.
  • Microphones should be monitored and cleaned before and after all sessions.
  • Consider HVAC filter cleaning and replacement.
  • Shift staff and/or session schedules where possible to maximize social distancing.

Download the full list.

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