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Bahrain Radio Renovates With Lawo

Arabian Peninsula national broadcaster enters the digital world with room to grow

Lawo, Bahrain Radio, GloCom, Sapphire
A newly installed Lawo Sapphire console is the centerpiece of an on-air studio at Bahrain Radio.

Bahraini national radio broadcaster Bahrain Radio has undergone a lengthy and thorough renovation. Central to the renovation is becoming a digital plant with Lawo equipment at the heart.

According to a release, “The entire facility has been refurbished, from nine radio studios and control rooms to the MCR (Master Control Room) and CAR (Central Apparatus Room), with a parallel overhaul of furniture, equipment, automation systems, radio library and acoustics.”

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Ministry of Information Affairs Assistant Undersecretary for Technical Affairs Eng Abdulla Ahmed Abalooshi explained, “Our radio station and studios were built in 1980. They were really old, and we used to have the occasional breakdown with no support available for them. All our FM and AM stations are processed in these studios and go through the MCR; our radio channels are also available on satellite and OTT. With this project, we have transferred our entire radio technology to a digital platform and have added a few elements that will make life easier for the production people in our radio department.”

Lawo, Bahrain Radio, GloCom, VisTools
Lawo VisTools on a big screen at Bahrain Radio.

Based around a Lawo MADI network, other Lawo equipment includes consoles, routers, VisTool virtual radio system and VSM IP broadcast control system. An RCS radio automation was also installed.

Thinking toward the future, Bahrain Radio scaled the renovation for 15 stations. It currently has nine.

Overseeing the project was GloCom, a Middle East-based broadcast and multimedia technology integrator.

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