ATLANTA�25-Seven Systems�Geoff Steadman addressed a full crowd at the Radio Show�s Innovation Stage who were curious about updates to the Voltair watermark processor.

Steadman emphasized the importance of visibility to PPM encoding, and he also described the goal of Voltair as going from a legacy monitoring �pass/fail� system to a grading scale where the goal is an A+, which represents the best possible noise to signal ratio.�
Last week, 25-Seven released version 2.0 of the Voltair firmware, and in his presentation, Steadman said that v.2.2 is now in alpha test mode. He said that the newest version will include an analysis-only mode as well as an enhanced ability to export encoding analysis data.
25-Seven sister company Omnia is developing its own new presets for its 9 and 11 processors, Steadman said.
Steadman refused to take questions in front of the audience, but did make himself available after the presentation.
This afternoon, Nielsen will offer its own PPM session.