A FEMA webinar is aimed at helping you find out if you are ready for this fall’s first nationwise EAS test.
The “virtual roundtable,” as FEMA is calling the event, takes place Monday, Aug. 15, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Eastern.
The federal agency has a slew of participants planned including representatives from the FCC, NOAA, two emergency managers associations, the SBE and other organizations.
FEMA’s Integrated Public Alert and Warning System folks are refining elements of their “best practices” guide and plan to discuss that, as well as state and local preparation for the national EAS test on Nov. 9.
That includes a discussion of how to receive and relay the EAN, the nationwide presidential alert.(For the test, the president will not voice the alert. FEMA says who would do that is still undetermined.
EAS equipment operation and maintenance will also be covered in the webinar.
Broadcasters can contribute to the best practices guide online.