The Broadcasters Foundation of America continues to try and get the word out that it is there for broadcasters in need with the release of a new 30-second radio PSA. As part of its outreach and awareness campaign, the PSA conveys the BFA’s mission of providing financial assistance to broadcasters in need because of critical illness, accident or other serious misfortune.
In addition, the BFA is working with networks, broadcast groups, the trade press, state associations and others to share its message.
“It is unacceptable that a broadcaster in need may not know that that Broadcasters Foundation is here to help provide assistance,” said Jim Thompson, president of the BFA. “We are reaching out aggressively, across every avenue, to get our message of granting hope heard.”
Radio stations interested in airing the PSA can download it by clicking on “News” from or by contacting the BFA at 212-373-8250 or