Do YOU know about the laws that govern biological weapons? Do you have any knowledge of botulinum toxin, viral hemorrhagic fevers, tularemia or Category B and C agents? Maybe you don’t want to think about these nasty topics; but if you are a journalist, you may have to someday.
The Radio and Television News Directors Foundation has released, “A Journalist’s Guide to Covering Bioterrorism,” published by RTNDF with support from Carnegie Corp.
“The very nature of an attack using biological weapons can present a unique set of challenges for reporters, editors and producers as they struggle during a rapidly unfolding event to present the facts as clearly, objectively and dispassionately as possible,” the foundation stated.
The guide explains what bioterrorism is, reviews the past use of bio-weapons and discusses how a biological attack might develop.
“Should a bioterror attack occur, your viewers and listeners will need critical information delivered quickly, accurately and in the proper context,” said RTNDF president Barbara Cochran.
RTNDF will distribute the guide to broadcast newsrooms this month. It also is available online at
Bioterrorism Guide Helps Reporters
Bioterrorism Guide Helps Reporters