Radio World has received notice that long-time Vermont radio broadcaster Don Mullally passed away on Friday.
Mullally spent upwards of six decades on the air in the Northeast Kingdom at WSTJ(AM), St. Johnsbury, Vermont.
According to Jim Condon of the Vermont Association of Broadcasters, Mullally started at WSTJ in 1952 and was known as the “Voice of the Northeast Kingdom.” In addition he was the state’s longest serving broadcaster and a member of the VAB Hall of Fame.
Bruce James of WSTJ said, “Don was the person we all looked up to in our broadcast world. He was the one we patterned our announcing roles after. He was the epitome of local radio and was blessed with a golden, rich, baritone voice that we will all remember. The loss of Don goes beyond business.”
James added, “He was the person we all listened to as we grew up. He was the announcer we all wanted to be like. We are proud to say Don had a lifetime job with our company, and I’m sure he would say he was proud to be with us.”
Mullally was on the air up until the last few weeks. Two local notices can be found — the Caledonian Record and WCAX(TV).