At the recent radio show, we learned more about what the FCC plans for the new Consolidated Licensing System that will replace the Computerized Database System, abbreviated as “CDBS.”
Jim Bradshaw, deputy division chief of the FCC Audio Division, said it’s been 11 years since the CDBS went online; it’s been updated since its debut but its basic architecture remains in place. Before the advent of CDBS applicants had to wait three to four weeks for their paperwork to be keyed into the system and placed on Public Notice.
“We had people that practically lived in the public reference room just to have access to files,” he said. Still, the CDBS has its detractors and there’s room for improvement, Bradshaw noted.
Unlike when it rolled out CDBS, “we’re asking what changes people would like.”
Although the commission is many months away from implementing its new system, Bradshaw gave attendees a taste of what’s to come.
CLS will be more interactive whereas CDBS is a portal; there’s no feedback about filings, he said. With the new system, users will have ability to file batch applications; they can be prepared offline and submitted in a batch, he said.
The commission is seeking comments about the new CLS to Docket 10-73.