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Five New Digital Channels for Sublime

Adds to already strong digital lineup

In February, Netherlands-based soul & jazz station Sublime launched five digital radio channels.

The station promoted its new digital channels via social media.

“Thirty percent of our 400,000 weekly audience listens via Sublime’s digital radio channels,” said Sebastiaan van Rijnsoever, Sublime’s managing director.

“In doing so we have secured a solid position in targeting a high-end audience within the digital radio landscape,” he said.

“With Sublime ‘Vocal Jazz’ we highlight the big jazz singers of the past and today. The ‘Classic Jazz’ channel concentrates on the classics of jazz,” he explained.

“The best of ‘Sublime 500’ shuffles the station’s listener choices, based on the station’s recent Sublime 500 chart. With ‘Sublime Smooth,’ we offer a relaxed mix of smooth jazz, R&B and soul.”

A screenshot depicting Sublime Radio’s five new digital channels.

“Arrow Jazz” brings the iconic predecessor of Sublime back to digital life offering a spicy cocktail of jazz, soul, disco and Latin.

Van Rijnsoever added that Sublime has also launched radio-on-demand (podcasts), and a new mobile app.

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