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Germany: Media Broadcast Adding Nine New DAB+ Transmitter Sites

Some have already been activated, but all are expected to be by the end of August

The expansion of the nationwide digital radio transmitter network to DAB+ continues. Germany transmission service provider Media Broadcast has announced that it will be establishing nine new DAB+ transmitter sites in Bavaria, Brandenburg, Bremen, North Rhine-Westphalia, and Rheinland-Pfalz.

The goal of these new sites, it says, will be to optimize the nationwide receiving channel packages with public and private digital radio programs on channel 5C.

In Bavaria, the sites will be located in Landshut and Amberg. An additional transmitter site is also planned for Grünten. Three sites have already been activated; at Brotjacklriegel on July 1, Edenkoben on July 28, and Büttelberg on Aug. 1. Münster in North Rhine-Westphalia was also established on July 27. The other transmitter sites will go up by the end of August in Calau and Bremerhaven.

The number of transmitter sites expected to be active by the end of 2016 is 110. Media Broadcast says it will cover 97 percent of the roadway by the end of the year.
