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Ground Loops the Target of AES/SMPTE Session at NPR

Ground Loops the Target of AES/SMPTE Session at NPR

Ground loops are the topic this weekend at a seminar in DC.
The Society for Motion Picture and Television Engineers is having a joint meeting with AES-DC. “Understanding, Finding and Eliminating Ground Loops” will be presented by Bill Whitlock, president of Jensen Transformers, on June 3 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at NPR headquarters in Washington.
Whitlock has written white papers and given presentations on equipment grounding problem diagnosis and solving, including a series in RW Engineering Extra. He recently taught a three-day Syn-Aud-Con workshop and an AES seminar.
He’ll address fixes that do not compromise safety or performance; troubleshooting to locate the problem interface; why many so-called “cures” don’t deliver what they promise; and how hum, noise and interference couple into the signal path.
For information, visit the AES Web site.
