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Ham Hawks

Hawking the goods and looking out for others at the Hamvention

There was plenty of brand new-in-the-box gear at the Dayton Hamvention. Most manufacturers of amateur radio equipment see the event as the ideal place for unveiling new models and showing off their complete product lines to prospective buyers. Photo James O’Neal

Some well-known humanitarian organizations such as the American Red Cross and the Salvation Army rely on amateur radio in their emergency assistance operations and were represented at the Dayton Hamvention. Another lesser-known humanitarian group that depends on amateur radio in its work is the Medical Amateur Radio Council or “MARCO.” It’s a worldwide association comprised of more than 250 medical doctors, dentists and other medical professionals and healers who provide a public service through amateur radio by helping to coordinate emergency assistance when and where it’s needed. The group also provides assistance to third-world and developing nations by sharing their skills, medical supplies and equipment. The group’s past-president, Dr. Bruce Small (L) and current president, Dr. Jeff Wolf, were on hand with others at the MARCO booth to explain the organization’s mission. Photo James O’Neal

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