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Broadcasters Clinic in October Will Be Virtual Only

Until now organizers had held out hope of keeping their physical event

Wisconsin Broadcasters Association logoFor the first time in 64 years, the popular Broadcasters Clinic, held annually near Madison, Wis., won’t take place this fall thanks to the pandemic. But there will be a virtual version.

Until now, the organizers of the engineering-oriented event had been hoping that they could still conduct a physical conference in October.

“With the decisions the state made this past weekend, we just can’t move ahead with an in-person Clinic,” said Linda Baun, vice president of the Wisconsin Broadcasters Association, in an email.

“With its 60+ years of service to the engineers and industry, I personally am saddened by the turn of events. However, I will do everything within my power to see that the engineers are served to the best of my ability.”

The annual event nominally is a state and regional one but it has drawn attendees and vendors from around the United States and remains a popular local conference that has outlived many others sponsored in the past by other states’ associations.

Baun said the organizers are now turning their efforts “into planning a stellar virtual Clinic.” Details will be announced later.


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