Darren Levy
Darren Levy has left Tieline Technology, with an eye on building his own consulting business. He’s been with the Australian equipment manufacturer since 1998. Separately, John Bisset, who joined the firm’s U.S. sales effort in 2010, also is no longer with the company.
Tieline issued a statement thanking Levy and Bisset for their contributions. It said Bisset’s position was terminated as a result of a review of customer service operations in its Indianapolis office. A spokeswoman for the U.S. office said it hoped to continue working with Bisset in a consulting relationship. Bisset writes the Radio World column Workbench and has worked as a contract engineer and equipment sales executive for several manufacturers.
John Bisset
Levy told RW, “It was my decision to leave after more than a decade of service as the international sales and marketing manager. I am ready for a change of scenery and would like to apply my technical marketing and business development experience in the broadcast industry to a wider product and service range.” He plans to offer consulting and business development services to broadcast manufacturers who are looking to grow business in the Asia Pacific region. He’s based in Perth, Western Australia, which he said provides easy access to Asia and broadcast hubs in Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific.
“The region is highly active with broadcast projects and requires experienced navigating due to the diverse range of business cultures across the market,” he said.
Levy’s tenure coincided with the company’s expansion into codecs, and his focus was expanding the company’s international business. He said he has represented Tieline at the NAB Show, IBC and Broadcast Asia, and helped establish its U.S. office as well as distribution partners in 30 countries.
Tieline was founded in 1981 as Television Communications Pty Ltd.; in 1995 it became Audio Video Communications (AVC). It later adopted the name of its Tieline line of codecs.