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Nevada Moves Forward on Broadcaster First Responder Certification

Fisher praises governors, cites government partnerships

Bob Fisher, CEO of the Nevada Broadcasters Association, spoke on “the status of the Broadcaster First Responder certification” at a meeting of Nevada Sheriffs’ and Chiefs’ Association in Las Vegas.

The NBA, along with the Nevada Governor’s office, Homeland Security, Dept. of Emergency Management and local law enforcement groups such as the Nevada Sheriffs’ and Chiefs’ Association, are coordinating the development of Broadcaster First Responder certification. Such certification will allow certified broadcasters access to emergency areas and include them in emergency efforts.

Fisher emphasized the implications of this educational curriculum, developed by Adam Sandler and Adrienne Abbott and reflecting the Nevada Broadcasters Association’s partnerships with AMBER Alert and Homeland Security.

“We as broadcasters and you as law enforcement are changing how we view each other,” Fisher said and lauded Nevada governors Kenny Guinn, Jim Gibbons and Brian Sandoval who he said “always understood the role that we play as first responders.”

Clark County Sheriff Doug Gillespie made a motion to endorse the curriculum as presented. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
