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New ‘Smokey Bear’ PSAs Available

New ‘Smokey Bear’ PSAs Available

From forest fires to wildfires, Smokey Bear has proved to be the poster “bear” to raise awareness of conservation and protection of our nation’s forests. Despite the fact that the phrase “Only You Can Prevent Forest Fires” is recognized by 95 percent of adults and 77 percent of children, the Advertising Council has made the move to reawaken Smokey Bear in the minds of American consumers through the creation of a new series of PSAs. The new announcements, created by volunteer ad agency FCB Southern California, target campers, hikers and mountain bikers — folks who, according to the Ad Council, feel they would never be responsible for a wildfire, but are most likely to be.

The new Forest Fire Prevention campaign slogan is “Only You Can Prevent Wildfires.” The USDA Forest Service Cooperative Forestry Staff and the National Association of State Foresters sponsor the campaign. For more information, contact the Ad Council at
