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N.J. Literacy Campaign Uses Radio

N.J. Literacy Campaign Uses Radio

To promote children’s literacy, Scholastic Books Clubs and New Jersey Gov. Jim McGreevey are involved in a series of radio spots touting the Governor’s Book Club.
The spots are running on 105 radio stations, 93 in New Jersey. Previously, the governor had come on New Jersey Network Radio at 6:26 on the first Thursday of every month to announce new titles for each grade.
Francesco Sedita of Scholastic Book Clubs stated, “The reason why we decided to work with radio was because (Scholastic) has done it before with some other campaigns … and they were extremely successful.”
The Governor’s Book Club began in the fall. Scholastic and the Office of Early Literacy help the Book Club select books for children between kindergarten and third grade. Books are made available to every elementary school in the state, thanks in part to donor companies.

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