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Only in Washington

A bit of humor from the chairman’s press briefing last week.

A bit of humor from the chairman’s press briefing last week.

The Washington home of Kevin Martin has been on the market since August. The commission chairman was asked by a reporter during his briefing last week whether he intends to leave the agency soon amid rumors he plans to return home to North Carolina and run for political office.

Martin said he has no plans to leave the commission and does not intend to move back to N.C.

The issue, he said, is that he and his wife have two kids and they live in a two-bedroom home. Just for good measure, the chairman threw in the fact that he has no car or driver picking him up each morning.

A different B2B reporter gave Martin his real estate card and quipped that he had a four-bedroom property in Maryland the chairman might be interested in, located “near Metro.”
