NAB wants its members to know it remains “unalterably opposed” to a performance rights bill.
“This legislation would impose devastating fees on the radio industry — fees that would be paid to record labels and performers simply for the ‘right’ to play their music,” it states in the latest NAB Pulse newsletter.
The association, which has come under criticism from some members and others for laying out possible terms with musicFirst for a settlement on this issue, did not specifically mention its recent term sheet in the newsletter article.
But it defended its overall approach, arguing that it has been “very successful in preventing the Performance Rights Act from passing in the 111th Congress by executing a two-track strategy — utilizing the strength of our grassroots to oppose the Performance Rights Act while at the same time participating in good-faith discussions with the recording industry to secure a positive outcome for radio.”
That strategy, it said, has been “extremely effective.” But NAB again said that with Congress returning for a “lame duck session,” a bill could be bundled with another in an attempt to move the issue quickly.
“Should there be a congressional effort to move the Performance Rights Act, NAB will aggressively fight it, and we will need your help — we may ask you to contact your representatives and take to the airwaves as you did successfully in February to keep this bill from becoming law and devastating the radio industry.”
The association said it would “continue our good-faith dialogue and ensure we keep the high ground with lawmakers during the lame duck session.”
Further, it said, “Over the past year, we have improved the perception of NAB on Capitol Hill. We have earned the respect of policymakers who have the ability to pass laws that can make or break your business. We have gained enormous credibility that will serve broadcasters well now and in the future. … Our number one priority is protecting the best interests of broadcasters.”