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Gary Timm Is Honored for Public Safety Work

EAS expert receives service award from Wisconsin governor’s conference

Gary Timm has been recognized for his work in emergency alerting in the state of Wisconsin.

Timm, the chair of Wisconsin’s State Emergency Communications Committee, received the Service Award at the annual Governor’s Conference on Emergency Management and Homeland Security

Its inaugural awards honored individuals “who have gone above and beyond in their contributions to improving public safety.”

The Service Award went to Timm “for his dedication to making sure a critical lifeline is ready to alert people across the state about danger in their area. Timm’s knowledge of the Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS) helps communities be ready before the need to even send out a message occurs.”

Greg Engle, left, acting Wisconsin Emergency Management administrator, presents the award to Gary Timm.

Timm is a member of the Wisconsin Broadcasters Association Hall of Fame. Noting the award, WBA said Timm remains involved in EAS issues even in retirement. He has assisted the National Weather Service, Wisconsin Emergency Management, Amber Alert, the FCC and FEMA, authoring authored numerous articles and handbook chapters and is recognized as an EAS expert. 

The governor’s conference in March drew more than 400 attendees representing emergency management, health care professionals and first responders.

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