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RAEL: Ad Recall Increases When Radio, Web Used Together

According to research from the Radio Ad Effectiveness Lab, recall of advertising is enhanced when a mix of radio and Internet ads are used to together compared to Web site ads alone.

According to research from the Radio Ad Effectiveness Lab, recall of advertising is enhanced when a mix of radio and Internet ads are used to together compared to Web site ads alone.

Harris Interactive conducted the study, “Radio and the Internet: Powerful Complements for Advertisers.” Two test cells were examined; one with two exposures to an Internet ad and one with exposure to one Internet ad and one corresponding radio ad. The ads used in the test came from eight actual campaigns in various product categories.

The research demonstrated that unaided recall was four-and-a-half times higher, and aided recall was more than twice as high with consumer exposure to one radio and one Internet ad compared to two Internet ads alone.

Additionally, a mix of radio and Internet exposures revealed a potential to elevate other kinds of consumer impact, ranging from Web site visitation to emotional bonds.

“Radio and the Internet” is part of the larger RAEL project, “Radio and the Consumer’s Mind: How Radio Works.”

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