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Reaction to Bill to Vacate New Net Royalty Rates From Proponents…

In reaction to the introduction of the Internet Radio Equality Act, several groups issued statements.

In reaction to the introduction of the Internet Radio Equality Act, several groups issued statements.

From NAB EVP Dennis Wharton: “NAB is reviewing details of Rep. Inslee’s bill, which would overturn the Copyright Royalty Board’s disappointing decision to dramatically raise fees for companies that stream music over the Internet. We will work with Congress to craft a solution that helps ensure the survival of a fledgling audio platform.”

And from NPR VP of Communications Andi Sporkin: “This bill asks Congress to reinforce its historic acknowledgement that public broadcasting has a place in the media landscape by modernizing section 118 of the Copyright Act for the 21st century. The CRB Board would not consider the public service aspect of more than 800 stations across the country when it made its recent decision. But since 1976, Section 118 has recognized that public radio has a very different mission from commercial media and cannot pay commercial-level royalty rates. This bill will provide a long-term resolution that is fair for all sides.”
