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Recent Wheatstone Console/Router Sales Reported

From the Who’s Buying What page

From the Who’s Buying What page: Wheatstone reported recent sales.

Emmis ordered two G-4 control surfaces and TDM satellite cages to add to its Bridge TDM network in Austin, Texas. The University of Alabama (Tuscaloosa) ordered two E-6 control surfaces with WheatNet-IP Blades through GlobalStreams for a new media center designed by Beck Associates. The university will be using a new MADI Blade to tie into a main router.

Inland Northwest Broadcasting (Lewiston, Idaho) purchased an IP-12 digital control surface to replace an older analog board. Memphis City Schools (Tennessee) purchased a WheatNet-IP system with three IP-12 digital control surfaces, one E-1 control surface and seven IP Blades to replace older standalone consoles. KBEM(FM) (Minneapolis) purchased LX-24 control surfaces with WheatNet-IP Blades, audio drivers and turret panels.

KDUR(FM) (Durango, Colo.) purchased a SideBoard rackmount unit for its WheatNet-IP network.

Mesquite School District (Mesquite, Texas) purchased a WheatNet-IP network including two E-1 control surfaces, Aura8-IP processing Blade, two M4-IP mic processing Blades, Glass-E remote console software and Navigator software through BSW.

Astral/Bell Media (Montreal) purchased four IP Blades for an existing WheatNet-IP network through Marketing Marc Vallee. Shangyu City Radio (China) purchased a G-4 control surface through Audio Design Company. Radio NL (The Netherlands) purchased an E-1 control surface through MRZ Broadcast.

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