The Society of Broadcast Engineers has added an “Adaptive Media Systems Engineering” course to its online curriculum.
The course covers the impact of the transition to digital transmission on broadcast engineers and infrastructures. It also explores multiple delivery channels and the electronic business systems trend, which include additional metadata and automation challenges, in addition to the opportunity to integrate business, creative and media processing into a single workflow.
According to the course description, advancing technology means that modern broadcast engineers will transition to the new title of “media systems engineer” to reflect the change in tasks and systems. The class is intended to help those enrolled understand the changing broadcast landscape and their role in it.
SBE members can enroll in the course for a fee of $149; nonmembers must pay $209. Upon successful completion, the SBE University course is worth one recertification credit.
SBE member Philip J. Cianci developed the course. Cianci currently works at a cable TV network in New York City, and has previously held positions at Philips Research, AT&T Digital Media, ESPN and Communications Engineering Inc. He is also the former editor of the “Transition to Digital” e-newsletter. Cianci is an IEEE and SMPTE member and serves on the SMPTE Journal Board of Editors.