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SBE Promotes IRLP HAMnet

This is a correction to an earlier item reported here:

This is a correction to an earlier item reported here:

SBE says it has a new opportunity for amateur radio operator members and others to communicate using the Internet Repeater Linking Project, or IRLP.

The Amateur Radio net, IRLP HAMnet, is a way for broadcast engineers and other amateurs to contact one another, share technical information, discuss broadcasting techniques and get information on SBE programs and activities. IRLP HAMnet joins the long-running “HF” SBE HAMnet as official functions of the SBE.

The IRLP is a method of connecting repeaters across the world via the Internet. A ham in Denver using the WA2YZT “repeater” might enter a four-digit node number to connect to #7520, the W4YI repeater in Chattanooga, Tenn., for a chat with a ham there. For the SBE IRLP HAMnet, the control station connects to the Denver IRLP reflector, which allows other repeaters to connect to it, creating a net that all can hear from their local repeater.

The SBE IRLP HAMnet will be based in Denver using the WA2YZT UHF/VHF repeater system, IRLP node #3286, on the first and third Saturdays of each month at 11 a.m., Mountain time.

The organizers provide more information about the net and how to participate.
