The board of directors for the Society of Broadcast Engineers announced Edward B. Bench, CPBE, and Vincent A. Lopez, CEV, CBNT had been elected fellows. The two will be recognized during the SBE national meeting in October in Massachusetts.
To be elected an SBE fellow, nominees must have rendered conspicuous service, made contributions to the advancement of broadcast engineering or have distinguished themselves by disseminating their knowledge of the field and promoting its application.
Bench is retired and a Life member of SBE, holding Life SBE certification at the CPBE level. His career in broadcast engineering started as an aircraft radio operator in the Army Air Corps in 1942. He was nominated for fellow by members of Chapter 55 in St. Louis.
Lopez serves as a systems technician with WSYT/WNYS-TV in Syracuse, N.Y., having commenced his broadcasting career there in 1983 in freelance production at NewChannels Cable. He holds certifications for SBE Certified Video Engineer and Certified Broadcast Networking Technologist, and was nominated for fellow by members of Chapter 22 in Central New York.
SBE to Honor Fellows
SBE to Honor Fellows