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Seattle Area Trio Delivers Uncompressed Radio to Internet

Seattle Area Trio Delivers Uncompressed Radio to Internet

Seattle-based KCMU-FM has partnered with Pacific Northwest Gigapop, a storage and service provider, and ResearchChannel, which delivers research information through the Internet from a group of universities and corporations, to deliver uncompressed streaming audio.
The three partners claim that the service is the first successful attempt at delivering an uncompressed stream of a radio station’s broadcast over the Internet.
KCMU’s uncompressed audio feed originates at studios on the Seattle campus of the University of Washington. Analog program audio is routed via optical fiber to a Windows Media encoder located in the Gigapop. The resulting stream is transmitted at 1.4 Mbps, which is then available through multiple unicast from a dedicated server to listeners using Windows Media Player 6.4 or later.
For more information visit the Web site at
b. m. cox

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