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StreamGuys Has a New Iteration of RevenueStream

It says its updated platform helps stations generate audience subscription revenue

StreamGuys will come to the NAB Show with a new version of RevenueStream, intended to help broadcasters and live event companies “tap into the potential of audience subscription revenue.”

The service was introduced in 2008 to help broadcasters develop nontraditional revenue. The company says its updated platform offers new subscription management, branding and payment features along with more monetization options.

“The latter includes metered paywalls, freemium access, membership plans and donation support, making RevenueStream an attractive option for live worship and private corporate events to private podcasters, public media and commercial broadcasters.”

The company believes it will also be popular with sports and live events markets, including larger sports leagues and concert streaming services. 

“StreamGuys has natively integrated SGplayer media player with RevenueStream to support these new features, although third-party players can also be integrated behind the paywall,” it said.

The new platform uses and helps users manage subscriber lists, membership plans and account renewals. Customizable integration options will help organizations visualize their branding elements within SGplayer. Customers can also add the SGcontrol tokenization service to lock down and secure content from being stolen as streams occur. RevenueStream also expanded its transactional options, providing consumers with more payment choices while ensuring secure transactions.

NAB Show Booth: W1743 (ENCO)

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