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Sirius, Other Mobile TV Systems Reviewed

A test-drive for Sirius Backseat TV.

A test-drive for Sirius Backseat TV.

A New York Times News Service reviewer says the service holds the promise of keeping its signal in a moving vehicle without a big satellite dish on the car roof, unlike other mobile TV offerings.

Sirius Backseat TV will be exclusive to the Chrysler Group for the 2008 model year. Chrysler will charge $470 for Backseat TV, we’ve reported. But buyers must also purchase a rear-seat entertainment system, about $1,400 on average, plus another $195 for the Sirius Satellite Radio Service, bringing the cost to about $2,000.

Sirius Backseat TV uses the digital radio signals also to transmit animation; the satcaster has said its compression system gives it the flexibility to transmit both radio and video signals in its S-band allotment.

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