Wheatstone has reported recent sales of its Wheatstone and Audioarts Engineering equipment to radio broadcasters in the United States.
Greater Media’s WMGC(FM) in Detroit purchased an LX-24 control surface for its Detroit Pistons studio.
WRAL(FM) in Raleigh, N.C., purchased a MADI Blade and TDM card for interfacing its Bridge TDM routing system into an automation system with WheatNet-IP audio drivers. Skyview Networks (Scottsdale, Ariz.) purchased two WheatNet-IP Blades to extend an existing audio network. KJLH(FM) (Los Angeles) purchased a Blade to add to an existing WheatNet-IP audio network.
On the Audioarts side, Washington State University’s KUGR(FM) in Pullman, Wash., purchased an IP-12 digital console, four SideBoard surfaces, an Aura8-IP Blade processor and WheatNet-IP Blades to replace an existing Bridge TDM network with Generation surfaces through integrator CEI. KNBR(AM) of San Francisco purchased an Air-1 console. KOMA(FM) of Oklahoma City purchased two Air-4 consoles through BSW. Gulf Coast State College (Panama City, Fla.) purchased an R-55e through BSW.
The company also said it has made sales of its audio processing products. Clear Channel Philadelphia purchased four M4-IP four-channel microphone processor Blades. Georgia Public Radio purchased an FM-531HD audio processor and VP-8IP multimode audio processor. WFIT(FM) of Melbourne, Fla., purchased two M4-IP Blades and eight TS-4 Talent Stations.