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Wheatstone Scores Pistons Radio Sales

U.S. customers update and extend studio equipment

Wheatstone has reported recent sales of its Wheatstone and Audioarts Engineering equipment to radio broadcasters in the United States.

Greater Media’s WMGC(FM) in Detroit purchased an LX-24 control surface for its Detroit Pistons studio.

WRAL(FM) in Raleigh, N.C., purchased a MADI Blade and TDM card for interfacing its Bridge TDM routing system into an automation system with WheatNet-IP audio drivers. Skyview Networks (Scottsdale, Ariz.) purchased two WheatNet-IP Blades to extend an existing audio network. KJLH(FM) (Los Angeles) purchased a Blade to add to an existing WheatNet-IP audio network.

On the Audioarts side, Washington State University’s KUGR(FM) in Pullman, Wash., purchased an IP-12 digital console, four SideBoard surfaces, an Aura8-IP Blade processor and WheatNet-IP Blades to replace an existing Bridge TDM network with Generation surfaces through integrator CEI. KNBR(AM) of San Francisco purchased an Air-1 console. KOMA(FM) of Oklahoma City purchased two Air-4 consoles through BSW. Gulf Coast State College (Panama City, Fla.) purchased an R-55e through BSW.

The company also said it has made sales of its audio processing products. Clear Channel Philadelphia purchased four M4-IP four-channel microphone processor Blades. Georgia Public Radio purchased an FM-531HD audio processor and VP-8IP multimode audio processor. WFIT(FM) of Melbourne, Fla., purchased two M4-IP Blades and eight TS-4 Talent Stations.
