The FCC has dedicated more spectrum to wireless broadband devices, a key recommendation of the commission’s spectrum policy task force.
Although the commission took the action earlier, the details of the decision are now out (Docket 03-122).
The commission revised Parts 2 and 15 of its rules to permit unlicensed national information infrastructure devices in the 5 GHz band. The action frees up an additional 255
megahertz of spectrum. This is spectrum that has the potential to b used for broadband networks on an international basis.
The action, the agency hopes, will allow U.S.-based manufacturers to develop equipment in these frequency bands to work worldwide.
“This should result in lower costs to consumers of broadband services” and increase the availability of innovative equipment, stated Commissioner Kathleen Abernathy.
Wireless Broadband Gets More Spectrum
Wireless Broadband Gets More Spectrum