The group of speakers that have been announced for the session “A Vision for the Future of Radio: DAB+ in Europe,” which takes place during the Salon de la Radio/European Radio Show next week, certainly covers its bases for representation of most of the continent.
In the session organized by WorldDAB, speakers — including broadcasters and regulators — from across Europe will look at the growth of DAB+, the standard’s potential, as well as the countries on the path to digital switchover.
From France, J-E Valli, president of Les Indés Radios, and Jean-Marc Dubreuil of WorldDAB will be featured in the session; the U.K. has Jimmy Buckland from Wireless Group and Jonathan Arendt from Jazz FM as its reps; Jørn Jensen of NRK will be on hand from Norway; Marcel Regnotto, Ofcom, comes from Switzerland; Carsten Zorger, Digitalradio Büro Deutschland, hails from Germany; and Jacqueline Bierhorst is coming from Digital Radio Netherlands.
The session is slated for Jan. 31 from 11 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The 2017 European Radio Show will run from Jan. 29–31 in Paris.