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Inside the Nov. 9, 2022 Issue of Radio World

Sinclair eyes digital TV for radio delivery

Cover of the November 9 2022 issue of Radio World with the headline "Xperi highlights DTS AutoStage analytics" and a photo of the heat map tool from Xperi's new manager's dashboardNext-Gen TV is being beta-tested at a Sinclair TV property in Washington. In addition to multiple streams of video content, the station is providing a “multiplex” of audio services that includes Hubbard’s WTOP(FM). Read about it in the latest issue.

Also: The FCC is warned about the possible impact of wireless EV charging technology on radio.

Dan Slentz tries out the Chameleon C4 Livestream Processor.

Wayne Pecena explains several commonly heard terms involving cybersecurity.

And lots more! Read it here.
