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Inside the Sept. 26, 2018 Issue of Radio World

Learn about carmaker Audi's efforts in the world of hybrid radio and the connected car

Learn about carmaker Audi’s efforts in the world of hybrid radio and the connected car. We also offer a two show conference previews and share what one tech apprentice took away from her experience working in a radio station engineering shop. Plus, WYAB owner and GM Matthew Wesolowski addresses the C4 concerns argued by the National Association of Broadcasters, and check out the Media Asset Management Buyer’s Guide.

What Will Take Down Radio Pirates — And What Won’t

MMTC President Emeritus David Honig shares his perspective on how to effectively combat radio piracy, as well as why this is a battle worth fighting. 

Audi Explores Hybrid Radio

Radio Development Engineer Christian Winter is at the forefront of Audi’s hybrid radio efforts, which center on RadioDNS, a hybrid solution that combines broadcast reception with online capabilities, in this case combining FM, DAB+ and IP functionality


  • C4 Opposition Is “Nothing New Under the Sun”
  • Rachel Torres: Impressions on the Job
  • Media Asset Management, Automation, Traffic & Billing Buyer’s Guide