Would AM Mandate Force Carmakers to Scrap Safety Features?
Opponents play up the possibility that carmakers would have to choose
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Opponents play up the possibility that carmakers would have to choose
CTA's Shapiro said the legislation "is especially inappropriate in service of the radio industry"
Electronics trade group runs online ads opposing it, says precedent would curb innovation
“Construction of exhibitors’ show floor space is well underway”
Consumer technology group says NAB proposal “would upend current spectrum fee model”
Gary Shapiro describes a “roller coaster of emotion”
Trends explored include audio, voice, connected car
CTA’s Gary Shapiro says it’s not safe to convene in Las Vegas in early...
Fred Jacobs and Buzz Knight grilled CTA CEO ahead of the megashow
Chupka has been named EVP of CES, and Moore is now SVP of political...