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An Analog Oasis in a Digital Desert?

Harris Debuts PR&E analog console

For anyone accustomed to the march of new digital products, here’s some surprising news from Harris’ PR&E division: a new analog console for radio.

Not a control surface working with a central processing engine but an actual audio-comes-in-bounces-around-goes-out console.

Called the Oasis, it is an 8- to 12-channel board. In a bow to digital reality it does offer digital outputs and, as Harris notes in a press release, a digital migration path.

It also offers the usual mic, line and telco inputs, plus a dedicated computer channel. The telcos can be assigned to any channel fader. Input choices are flexible and based on modular input cards.

Chuck Alexander, director, audio products, Harris Broadcast Communications stated, “Oasis delivers a true standalone console with next generation, analog-to-digital demands in mind.”

Harris is aiming the Oasis at all stations, not just small markets.
