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Harris Debuts New VistaMax Tools

New apps aim to help interoperability

Amidst the hoopla of the recent NAB Show, Harris wheeled out two new VistaMax tools that should be of interest to radio broadcasters using the VistaMax system.

VMQuadra is a radio automation interface designed to increase operational functionality between radio automation systems and VistaMax. VMQuadra was developed in cooperation with several automation developers. Quadra, as the name hints, can work with up to four automation servers, providing bidirectional access to the VistaMax system via Cat-5 cable.

VistaVue is the other new product. This is a GUI enhancement application, aimed at bringing router control to the VistaMax desktop.

Harris President Tim Thorsteinson said, “The nature of content creation is changing rapidly in the broadcast business. These products are the first in a series of new studio products that are strategically positioned to address this changing environment.”
