For those Sound Forge DAW users who were thinking they had been abandoned, new owner Magix promises that you are not forgotten. Magix purchased the old Sonic Foundry properties from Sony last year.
First out of the chute is an upgrade of the Mac version. New tools in Sound Forge Pro Mac 3 include loudness metering, iZotope Plug-ins RX Elements and Ozone 7 Elements. Magix lists SF Pro Mac 3 as native 64-bit, 32-channel, 24-bit/192 kHz and Red Book-qualified.
Starting in August, expect new 64-bit Windows versions of the platform to come forth. Magix’s Gary Rebholz said that developer teams in Madison, Wis., (where the old Sonic Foundry was based) and Berlin were working on the new iterations, including a Sound Forge Pro 12.
Price for Sound Forge Pro Mac 3 is $299.